Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Great day at work today. We finally got the attention of a corporation, owners of a large well known hotel, who refused to pay after we fixed a water leak in the hotel. So, after filing in small claims court (that handles anything under $7,500) and serving papers - the fellow finally calls and begs to hold off for just a week while he gets the insurance company to pay the claim. Yeah, like another week is going to matter when it's been months since the water break. We were SOOOOO sorry to have to tell him the court date has been set, and we just CAN'T ask for the case to be dismissed without full payment. Gee, the guy wouldn't return our calls for months. Now he can't wait to talk to us. Love it, love it, love it.

It was a beautiful day all day - until getting home, the wind came up, it got cloudy and cold. Sat on the front porch visiting with neighbor Jason for awhile - till we both go so cold we had to go in - him to his place, me to mine. Jason is a nice young guy with a sweet wife and son. Last summer we, his family and I, spent a lot of time together - but with this cold winter, sittin' on the porch has pretty much been ruled out. So, it's been fun seeing people again. I love the multi-generational socializing. Reminds me of growing up on the ranch and get togethers at Howard Runge's barn - whole families of all ages all partying together, and everything appropriate for all ages. Oh, I know the men would go outside to the trunks of their cars where they had a bottle - but the kids weren't really exposed to it. Can't count the times as a kid, I fell asleep on the haystack in one end of the barn, as my parents partied - real wild stuff, like the "Virginia Reel," polka's and square dances. Can't recall if we had live music, but think so. Accordians were popular then. The photo is of Jason and Chris - when they were heading out to a company Christmas party. Great young couple!

Now I am a great-grandma, I love being around the young kids. They are so energizing - even as they drain the energy from their parents.

Life is good.

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