Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Happy First Day of Spring

Just to wish everyone a Happy First Day of Spring.

1 comment:

Sandie said...

Happy Spring Elaine. Sorry to hear that you've been ill. Sounds dreadful. I know all about short memory loss as my husband is bi-polar and the medication plays tricks with his short term memory. He gets so frustrated. He likes to do the shopping so writes a list but then forgets to take it or forgets that it is in his pocket.
I'm really enjoying my felting now but have to have a short break from it as daughter and family are coming to live with us for a few years to pay off student debts. The restoration is complete at last but now it is all the interior decorating which has to be done quickly as they all move in on the 19th May. Phew! but at least I shall see my one and only granddaughter all the time.
SandieK/ Feltissimo