Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Dimensions - thoughts on Abundant Learning

Learning to see is a wondrous thing.
 First I saw a thought in a single dimension,
and wondered if there were more dimensions:
to thought, speech, learning, expression.
 ~Are the masterpieces of the ages merely multi-dimensional expression?

Learning styles: Since the 'experts' have debunked the theory of
 (1) one learning style, and
 (2) a learning style among several

 Is it possible to have all learning styles, at once, one at a time ?

On fabric:

What happens to the fabric when it is ___________.

     (subject to changes: wet? pulled? ripped? folded? wadded?)

What is the history of the fabric? The organic source? 

Its uses in earlier cultures? 

Its contribution to enlightenment?

 Its contribution to destruction?

Can the use of fabric be applied to infinite sustainability?

What if a stained and torn "rag" were ground up
and re-manufactured?

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